Comander George Bush, What he really does on his spare time.

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We are at a hidden location in Western NewYork a little bit east of Buffalo and a little North of rochester. Residing on lake ontario our operations are secluded and secretive.

Our Business Philosophy

Don't eat your own nails after you bite them off. Thats gross.

Our Employees

Our employees play an important role in our country. Protecting citizens from the evil doer himself, George Bush.

Our Company

Our company is complete BS, but if you really want one of those products then ask and sales can be made. NOTE!: I do not take responsibility for whatever psycho that takes this seriously.

The HQ

Here is a picture of a house... Not mine, but a house none the less.

A door frame; Size=240 pixels wide

Stop Shrubbery Corp. * 123 Fake street * Milkduds * NY * 01234